The most up-to-date and authoritative California property data in the universe.
We are the sole provider of the most current California property data available online. That means 13 million parcels of data for all 58 counties, updated daily straight from the county assessors.

Owner Names and Addresses for Every Property in California
You need to know who owns a property or where they’re located in order to request access, send notices, deliver a warrant, make an offer, and a thousand other reasons we won’t list here (you’re welcome). Whatever your need, we’ve got the data, updated in sync with county tax records.
Search by APN, address, and proximity, or choose a location on the map. Information for property owners in all 58 California counties is available in one place, saving you the hassle of multiple searches on multiple platforms.
Everything You Ever Needed to Know, And Then Some
Our parcel search tool is the web’s only source of up-to-the-minute-accurate data for every California property. Whether you need information on one property or one million, for one county or statewide, you’ll find it in our platform.
With ParcelQuest, you can find parcels using a variety of search tools, explore interactive APN maps, and get zoning information matched to the applicable parcels, just for starters.

ParcelQuest Features Include…
Parcel-specific zoning codes and zoning maps matched to the parcel layer.
Parcel Search
Plug in what you know, or draw custom shapes on the map to find all the properties in an area.
APN Maps
Accurate, interactive, high-res assessor map pages, book index maps and county-wide index maps.
Mobile App
Available in the field for when you can’t wait a minute longer to know everything about a parcel.
Peek Behind the Curtain
Watch our video introduction to learn more about ParcelQuest and see the program in action.
Trusted by These Organizations

Ready to Get Started with ParcelQuest?
Sign up today for the service level that best fits your needs. Not sure which one that is? Give us a call at 888-217-8999. We’ll help you figure it out, and answer any other questions you have.
Brace yourself. Your parcel data game is about to get seriously upped.