Our customers are all over the map
If you need information about a California parcel, we’re your one-stop-shop for the most accurate data available, no matter what your industry.
Real Estate Investors
Put in offers faster. Identify the owner of a commercial or residential property by using our pure, county-direct source.
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Federal & State Agencies
Need to access a property or send a notification? Easily identify the owner of each commercial or residential parcel with just a click.
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Municipal & Local Agencies
Make sure you’re sending citations to the right place, confirm APNs for permitting, and confirm ownership to request access easements.
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Ag & Commercial Appraisers
Having a hard time finding comparables for farmland or one-of-a-kind commercial buildings? Search statewide by property type and sale date, view parcel boundaries, see crop types, and measure crop acreages seen in up-to-date aerial photos.
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Surveyors & Engineers
Know exactly where parcel boundaries lie, confirm APN and legal owners, and use our interactive map overlays to see a clearer picture.
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Law Enforcement
Know exactly whose doors you need to be knocking on, discover multiple property ownerships, identify owners of illegal crops, and more – quickly and easily.
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Keep your service addresses and your billing addresses straight and up-to-date with our ownership verification and parcel maps, updated daily.
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Oil & Gas
Need access to a property? Accurately identify surface owners to get your rigs where they need to be, and keep up-to-date with the owners of properties your rigs are already on.
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Building & Construction
From skyscrapers to kitchen remodels, you need to get materials exactly where they belong. Use accurate ownership from PQ Online to solidify your pre-lien and keep things running smoothly.
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Weeds are no joke. Prevent fires by identifying property owners for weed abatement notices.
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Farming & Agriculture
Expand your growing properties by using PQ Online to identify additional land to lease or purchase and identify owners of specific crops.
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Need to verify property assets? Search for specific individuals using a property address, APN, or statewide search by owner name, and get the most accurate data available.
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Don't see your industry listed? Just call us.
We'll get you what you need.
If you were a racecar driver, we’d be the motor oil.
Whatever you do for a living, we help make your job run a lot smoother.
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